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Home Conference Agenda 3rd Focus Seminar on Domesic Membrane Urban Water Treatment in 2020

3rd Focus Seminar on Domesic Membrane Urban Water Treatment in 2020


 2018 年、2019 年连续两届全国膜法城镇水处理技术研讨会在上海成功举办以来,业界反响强烈,会议以专业机构资源领先优势,邀请到多位权威学者、一线专家及名企高管莅临指导,通过专题报告、集中研讨的形式,为交流前沿技术案例,宣广关键装备工艺,推动高新膜技术在城市饮水净化、中水回用、污水处理及水厂提标改造、新水源开发等多领域的研究与应用搭建起了重要协同平台。

Date: 14 August

Venue:Room E3-M23


Time Topic Speaker
9:55-10:00 Speech Zhejiang Association of Membrane Industry

Treatment Process and Engineering Case of High-quality Drinking Water Based on Nanofiltration Membrane Separation

Yu Shuili, Tongji University, Professor
10:25-10:50 Application of ultrafiltration integration technology in municipal water supply Liu Bin,Technical Manager of Tianjin Motimo Technology Co., Ltd.
10:50-11:15 Application of Bipolar Membrane in Recycling and Zero Discharge of Industrial Wastewater Zhu Chunyan,Technical Support Engineer of Hangzhou Lanran Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
11:15-11:40 Application of Membrane Water Treatment Technology in Conventional Wastewater Treatment Yu You, Hangzhou Water Treatment Technology Development Center Co., Ltd., Technical Engineer
11:40-12:05 Development of Functional Ultrafiltration Membrane Products and Its Potential Advantages in the In-depth Treatment and Application of Urban Drinking Water


Zhang Pingyun, Postdoctoral Research Station of the National Engineer Research Center of Urban Water Resources Development and Utilization (South), Senior Engineer

12:05-13:55 Noon Break

Introduction to the Application of DTRO Membrane Technology in the Field of Industrial Zero Emission

Zhu Liping, Zhejiang University, Professor
14:20-14:45 Introduction of the Application of F-Cera Flat Ceramic Ultrafiltration Membrane in Water Treatment Wang Xia,Deputy General Manager,Ya’an Weclean Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
14:45-15:10 New Membrane Products Applied to MBR Technology

Dai Pan,Associate Dean,Beijing OriginWater Technology Co., Ltd. (BOW)

15:10-15:35 Technology and Case Sharing of E-mem Hollow Products in the Municipal Water Treatment

Li Xiaojun,Senior Engineer of Hangzhou E-mem Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

15:35-16:00 Analysis of Large-Scale Application Prospect of Nanofiltration in Domestic Municipal Water Supply Field

Duan Dong, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., Vice Director

